Input shaping
@wbrokow1 That happens sometimes. Just try again. If it happens repeatedly then check the wiring to the accelerometer is not near motor wires.
@tas checked the wiring and keep getting the same overflow error.
@wbrokow1 I have no experience with Duet6 or extension boards but someone will be able to help.
Please post the version of firmware, DuetWebControl, and Input Shaping Plugin you are using and your config.g file. Also what type of cable you are using to connect your accelerometer and what accelerometer board you are using.
That information will help to narrow down the problem.
@wbrokow1 if it reports overflow, that usually means it couldn't write the data to SD card fast enough. Try collecting a smaller number of samples, or use a faster SD card.
@dc42 ok I will give it a try
@dc42 how do I change the sample rate?
@wbrokow1 The sample rate is specified in the M955 command after you create the accelerometer using M955. Set it where you set the orientation of the sensor in config.g
For example:
M955 P0 C"spi.cs4+spi.cs3"
M955 P0 I25 S5000 R10 ; S5000 is 5000Hz sample rate -
@tas ok thanks. it worked!
So now if I record a profile can I use it each time I print something?
I don't have to record a new one every time I print something, right?
Thanks again for your help -
@wbrokow1 I am glad that fixed it.
Now use the Input Shaping Plugin to find the main frequency (the largest bump) on the X or Y axis. That will be your center frequency used in the config.g input shaping command something like this:
M593 P"zvdd" F45.7 S0.0 L100;
Check the Gcode guide for the various parameters you want to use and insert your frequency after the F.
Pick the input shaper based on what looks like it will kill both your X and Y bumps the best. In my example I use zvdd.
You can stop the input shaping plugin after you find your frequency and shaper. It is not used for actual Input Shaping. M593 does that.
@tas Ah, ok . thanks for the help! this should be written somewhere. It probably is, I just didn't look hard enough.
To everyone who participated: thank you very much