PT100 daughter board 3 wires wiring
First time using PT100 sensors.
Docs mention support for 2, 3, and 4 wires. Mine have 3 wires. There are instructions for using 2 wires and 4 wires. Not sure how to go about using 3 wires.
Docs: -
@MihaiDesigns See
PT100 temperature sensors can be wired in either a 2-wire or 4-wire configuration. 3-wire PT100 sensors are also available, but these will need to be wired as a 2-wire, or an extra wire added to be wired in 4-wire.
I think to wire it as a 2-wire, take both the wires from the side that has two wires, and wire them to the same terminal, ie side with one wire, wire goes to terminal 2, side with two wires, both got to terminal 3. Or I guess you can cut one of the wires from the side with two wires, and wire it as a 2-wire. If you can test this, I'll add a 3-wire tab to the documentation.