Input Shaping on a Bed Slinger
With separate x and y axes input shaping not being supported, does that mean you couldn’t use input shaping on a bed slinger style printer? If you can how would one go about it?
undefined JRCL marked this topic as a question
@JRCL you can absolutely use IS on a bed slinger. Measure the dominant frequency separately on Y and X (either by moving an accelerometer around or by using the Klipper or Marlin reference prints -- I prefer the plastic saving Marlin one at -- note you will need to adjust start and end gcode), then use a base frequency and algorithm that covers both measured values.
I.e., let's assume you measure 45Hz on your bed and 62Hz on your hotend. Then you would get by choosing (45 +62)/2 = 57Hz and MZV or EI2 as the algorithm.
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@oliof Coming back to this to ask if you there's any reason this wouldn't work for a CoreXZ
@JRCL a CoreXZ would normally have a moving bed or moving gantry Y axis, so the same technique would be used as for a bed slinger.