Bed leveling mesh calibration not working
@Mythbear74 said in Bed leveling mesh calibration not working:
Honestly at this point I’d rather like to know how to completely eradicate the height map system so it forgets about it.
At the end of your config.g are these three lines:
... T0 P0 G29 S1 M501
G29 S1
loads the mesh file called /sys/heightmap.csv, which is usually the last mesh created. If you comment that out (ie put a semicolon like;
at the beginning of the line) or just delete it, no mesh will be loaded.However, I think the original problem of your bed mesh probe starting "in an area without anything under it" is caused by your probe offset. This is defined by the G31 command in the probe section, and more specifically I think the X and Y coordinates are incorrect. Currently you have:
; Z-Probe M950 S0 C"Servo0" ; create servo pin 0 for BLTouch M558 P9 C"^probe" H5 F800 T20000 ; set Z probe type to bltouch and the dive height + speeds M557 X10:180 Y10:180 R-1 P2:2 ; define mesh grid G31 P500 X-40 Y10 Z4.3 ; set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
To get them correct, see The whole page is worth a read.
I've taken the liberty of adding your config.g, config-override.g and bed.g to your posts as text (cut and pasted from the files on Google Drive). We couldn't see the full config.g in your screenshots.
@droftarts said in Bed leveling mesh calibration not working:
However, I think the original problem of your bed mesh probe starting "in an area without anything under it" is caused by your probe offset. This is defined by the G31 command in the probe section, and more specifically I think the X and Y coordinates are incorrect.
Indeed, -40 it is much, but if the printer is something like a ”classic” Ender:
this may be it. Y=10 is almost sure ok, this is why I asked for some clip/photo.
Probably erasing G29 is the best Ideea, anyway... -
@soare0 yes but do you have a way of actually achieving the erase of the height map/G29
@Mythbear74 Del or Back keys on your keyboard?
And if you are not able at least to submit a photo with your printer or a clip with its behaviour, I am very doubtful that anybody will be able to help you with this.
Maybe Deanna Troy's mother, as she is a good mind reader ... -
@Mythbear74 The default heightmap is stored in the /sys folder with the name 'heightmap.csv'. In DWC, go to Files > System > System Directory, right click heightmap.csv, and select Delete.
But it is unnecessary, really. If you remove the G29 from config.g, it just won't load, and won't be used. RRF will report 'None' for 'Compensation in use'. If you send G29, it will try to create a new mesh based on the M557 command in config.g, so if you don't want that, delete that too.
However, all of this means that you won't be able to compensate for the bed not being perfectly flat.
@droftarts thank you I will try that
Is there a way I can send you guys a video of the print issue?
The last to the right button on the button row. It is true that I do not know maximum size, so maybe you will do mp4 or such?
I selcted it, to be more clear... -
All right, I finally found a way to send A video.
@Mythbear74 Then please send a video with the issue
@soare0 are you not able to see the video?
@Mythbear74 requires joining a random discord server.
@Mythbear74 I did, it seemed for me not at all relevant for your issue. Maybe try to explain here, I do not see why continue to talk on Discord...