Firmware 3.50.rc.4 stops working
Btw: you can reach me via discord too, if you want to have a call. I'm on the Duet Discord, same avatar, known there as Chris or my Dicord username: warty_towel (Yes I love the hotel in Torquay)
undefined Chriss referenced this topic
@Chriss Is this a repeatable problem? That is if you run the same print again does the same thing happen?
undefined Chriss referenced this topic
@gloomyandy I did not executed the same g-code if you as for that.
It happened to me the 4th time now with 4 different objects. I can try to re-execute the g-code if this is what you want. Or I can re slice and print it. But again: It is not very easy to reproduce.... I had more than 10 successful prints between the failures. And all of failed prints happened with other objects.Cheers, Chriss
@Chriss If you search for similar problems on the forum you will see that this may be caused by static buildup on the printhead. Is your printhead grounded? See:
@gloomyandy Let me do that.. but let me make one remark here: I have this problem since 3.5rc4, rc3 and earlier versions did not have that problem. And I have not chanced my printer hardware since a while...
But it would take me at least 10 days to "verify" that the problem has gone than.... I'm sorry, but I have some scars from my wifi problem, this scars teached me not to reboot my board to early.
(Btw, by other 4 printers with a Mini5+ work without constantly but on a lower firmeware level, and none of them have a "grounded nozzle)
@Chriss I was not asking you to reboot your board I was simply asking if your toolhead was grounded and pointing out to you previous responses to similar problems.
@gloomyandy Sorry, yes you are right. But I have disassemble the Voron Stealthburner for that... So I have to turn of the printer. I have to pull the power and can connection of the toolboard to disassemble SB to reach the Revo to make that connection.
Cheers, Chriss
@gloomyandy Sorry, my bad. I do not always understand the difference between a question and "you should do that".
Anyway, you are more than right.... I have to do a bigger maintenance job on the toolhead anyway. So I will do this job and ground the hotend, just in case. And lets see of David has a other idea what may cause this problem.
Cheers, Chriss
Hi @gloomyandy,
It seems that the BTT guys experience a similar problem: ground my my hotend and my extruder now, just in case.
Cheers, Chriss
@Chriss That BTT issue is just similar in effect, but may not be related at all in cause (if you go back to the original issue, grounding the metalwork on the effector does not fix it for everyone). Also, in the BTT case it seems to be mostly about their toolboards, the issue is not happening (AFAICT) with BTT main control boards. So I believe it's a red herring.
@oliof maybe…. But what else could be the root cause of the problem than? Software may be bad or a mechanical/electrical problem. Anyway, I want to strike out things which are easy to solve.
undefined Phaedrux moved this topic from General Discussion
Have you tried running the same gcode file again to see if i stops at the same point?
Please share a M122 report after each reset.
Also please share your config set.