Overheated SD card and no Temps reported
I have the steppers and sensors. No other power sources though. Not even the USB. Just the 12v power supply
Do you have the hot end wiring connected, and if so, what type of Z probe (if any) are you using?
Hot end yes. And z probe is an npn no capacitive
Do you have either +3.3V (from the Z probe connector, and endstop connector or the expansion connector) or +5V going to the hot end?
the Z Probe is not connected just yet, the hot end is connected to E0 on its ground and VIN. and on the endstops i have the GND and end stop wires connected but not the 3.3v(the plugs used on the printrbot use only the outer 2 pins)
i followed this
https://duet3d.com/wiki/Duet_WiFi_and_Ethernet_wiring_diagrams -
I'm sorry, it sounds to me that your Duet is faulty. Please ask your supplier to replace it.
i purchased it directly from Duet
Email info at Duet3D for com then.
Done, thanks.
It would be awesome if there was a part of the site that would show the different model boards and people could create an overlay entry for wiring examples for different parts and/or printers.
We're in the process of moving to a different wiki system, which will make it easier for users to add content.