Conect another termopar?
I am interested in conect another termistor, maybe two…
In this moments I have 2 termistor, bed and nozzle. But bed has a big diameter and I'd like know the temperature in border of the bed...
This termistor it's only for info, I don't want control bed heater.
This is possible?
How and where I have to connect it?
I suppose I will have to do changes in config.g. What changes?
Making an average with the one already installed. Could you control the temperature?Thanks in advance
Assuming the board is a Duet WiFi or Duet Ethernet, you already have a 3rd thermistor input (E1 thermistor) on the Duet. You can connect further thermistors between the THERMISTORn pins and the VSSA pin of the expansion connector. Or you can upgrade your hot end thermistor to PT100 using the daughter board, then the E1 thermistor input becomes free too.
Whichever thermistor input you use, use the M305 command to configure a named virtual heater to use it.