Duet3MB6HC with Duet3 scanning Z probe
@droftarts thank you for reply.
i am try both coil 12mm and 15mm, but the value is fluctuates between 0, 9097, and 999999.
@R006 What is the bed surface? It needs to be metal on, or near the surface (under a PEI sheet is okay), ie not have glass on top.
Are you setting the M558.2 calibration with the SZP coil around 4mm from the bed?
When you say "the value is fluctuates between 0, 9097, and 999999" are these the only three readings? Or does it give other readings? I'd usually expect to see readings in the range 1500 (Z6) to 15000 (Z0.3). You shouldn't get 0 or 999999 readings.
Random 999999 readings can be caused by:
- Interference on the SZP ribbon cable (from SZP to coil). Makes sure to route the SZP ribbon cable away from the coil, ie make sure it doesn't go over the coil
- Poor ribbon cable contact. Ensure it is FULLY inserted into the tiny connector, at both ends. Try reseating this if you continue to get erratic readings
- Make sure there is no metal in the 30mm ABOVE the coil, or it will pick this up and give false readings
What firmware version are you running on the 6HC and SZP?