Need Help with Acceleration Settings
All of the Articles I have found on acceleration seem to discuss acceleration as if it were only 1-2 settings. I use the Orca slicer, which is a GREAT blending of Prusa Slicer, Super Slicer, and Bambu Slicer and Orca Slicer has nine (9) settings for Acceleration and Another six (6) for Jerk.
All of My Jerk settings are set to -8-, the same as my BAMBU P1S...
That leaves the following -9- Acceleration settings. (along with my CURRENT Settings)
(everything in Orca is in mm/sec or mm/sec^2)Normal Printing (4,000)
Outer Wall (2,000)
Inner Wall (10,000)
Bridge (50%)
Sparse Infill (100%)
Internal Solid Infil (100%)
First Layer (500)
Top Surface (2,000)
Travel. (10,000)With these settings, it gives me more than tolerable quality, but it is inconsistent in its print speed, much more than I expected...
I am trying to make changes to a rebuilt Voxlabs Aquila and a heavily modified Tronxy X5SA-2E. Both are fitted with CHT heaters and HeroMe fan Shrouds so I don't have any issue with heating or cooling. Even when my straight line speeds go over 80mm/sec, my Hotend temperatures are rock solid at +/- 1degC
All of my Steppers are only WARM, and I only get a "Groan" of complaint out of them occasionally on long & straight travel moves. They likely want/need a bit more current, but that means turning a rather large and heavy printer upside down.
So... my question for all the Acceleration experts is: What do all the settings do? and how do they interact? More importantly, how do I adjust them?
@Bsisson this is more a slicer question than a firmware setting. The firmware allows the slicer ot inject changes i acceleration into the generated gcode file. The various settings are fairly well labelled as far as i can see.