Duet showing TWO tools active at the same time?
Pretty sure I don't have a third tool.
When I send "T" from the g-code console… well.. it repeats the last several browser messages (but doesn't say which tool is active):
[[language]] 5:59:46 PM T Simulating print of file PLA - R/DL Font Samples.gcode File PLA - R/DL Font Samples.gcode will print in 2h 10m plus heating time File PLA - R/DL Font Samples.gcode selected for printing 5:59:44 PM Message Log cleared!
In fact, no matter what I send through the g-code console, it does the exact same thing:
[[language]] 6:02:24 PM SADFASDFASDFASDF Simulating print of file PLA - R/DL Font Samples.gcode File PLA - R/DL Font Samples.gcode will print in 2h 10m plus heating time File PLA - R/DL Font Samples.gcode selected for printing
Tried "M408 S0" and just get back those old log messages. (BTW, the simulation shown there was done… 3 hours ago or so.)
If I close the Chrome window and instead open IE and go to my DWC, I get the exact same responses (tested to ensure it isn't a browser cache issue.)
Same if I open a Chrome incognito window.
I don't have telnet active, so I can't try that way.
I suspect if I reboot everything it'll clear up. I've seen oddities like this crop up from time to time and I end up pulling the plug to reset everything before it works.
More info: If I use the console on the PanelDue, I can send a "T" and get a response: Tool 1 is selected. (Even though the panelDue has both tools highlighted in red/active.)
…and more info: M408 doesn't seem to work from the paneldue console, but I was able to activate telnet from it. Then M408 gave this:
{ "status": "P", "heaters": [60.5, 36.4, 195.2], "active": [60.0, 0.0, 195.0], "standby": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0], "hstat": [2, 2, 2], "pos": [-3.449, -37.203, 8.082], "sfactor": 100.00, "efactor": [100.00, 100.00], "babystep": 0.000, "tool": 1, "probe": "0", "fanPercent": [60.00, 100.00, 100.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], "fanRPM": 0, "homed": [1, 1, 1], "fraction_printed": 0.7984, "msgBox.mode": -1, "timesLeft": [1554.5, 1521.2, 1549.9] }
According to the M408 Secret Decoder Ring (https://duet3d.com/wiki/G-code), this is telling me that tool 1 is active, but that both tool heaters are also active (hstat.) How can that be? My tool configuration is in the first post in this thread. There are no other heaters on my duet (and couldn't be: I have no expansion cards.)
Nothing virtual. Just for the sake of completeness, here's M408 S2 that specifically shows all the heaters (heads, tools, extra):
[[language]] { "status": "P", "coords": { "axesHomed": [1, 1, 1], "extr": [0.0, 6371.4], "xyz": [-56.918, 23.395, 8.442] }, "currentTool": 1, "params": { "atxPower": 0, "fanPercent": [60.00, 100.00, 100.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00, 0.00], "speedFactor": 100.00, "extrFactors": [100.00, 100.00], "babystep": 0.000 }, "sensors": { "probeValue": 0, "fanRPM": 0 }, "temps": { "bed": { "current": 60.2, "active": 60.0, "state": 2, "heater": 0 }, "current": [60.2, 36.1, 195.1, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0, 2000.0], "state": [2, 2, 2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], "heads": { "current": [36.1, 195.1], "active": [0.0, 195.0], "standby": [0.0, 0.0], "state": [2, 2] }, "tools": { "active": [[0.0], [195.0]], "standby": [[0.0], [0.0]] }, "extra": [{ "name": "MCU", "temp": 29.6 } ] }, "time": 28334.0 }
I suggest you run M563 P1 to check whether it currently has tool 1 configured to use heaters 1 and 2.
If you closely at the DWC display, you'll see that both heaters are active (in the heaters column) but in the column to the left of that (the tools column) Tool 1 is underlined but Tool 0 is not. The underlined tool is the active tool. For both tools to be active, they would both show as underlined.
If it's any consolation, it caught me out too at first and I have in the past requested that the active tool should be displayed in a more prominent way such as a different colour or in bold. The underline is not obvious at first glance.
Edit. I can't comment on the PanelDue display - I suspect that shows heaters rather than tools as I've only ever seen one column of temperatures for my 4 or 6 tools which all share the same heater. I've never been able to figure out which is the active tool on the PanelDue.
Result of M563 P1: Tool 1 - drives: 1; heaters (active/standby temps): 2 (0.0/0.0); xmap: X; ymap: Y; fans: 0; status: standby. (It might be irrelevant as the print job has finished and run M0 which turns off everything.)
deckingman and dc42: I hope everyone understands that I'm not "complaining" about issues here. I feel that if I'm using software that's being actively developed, and especially a beta or RC version, that it's my obligation to find, try to troubleshoot, and report any issues. The idea that two heaters can be active with only a single tool (and they are configured for one heater per tool) is one of those issues. This particular issue really doesn't impact me, as a heater "active" with a temp of 0 is the same as a heater "off" with a temp of 0. As well, this particular issue was a one-off. I've never seen it happen before, so I could only collect data on it while it was happening with the knowledge that as soon as the print was stopped the tools/heaters would all be turned off.
There are other issues I've reported that are a bit more significant (such as the one where M116 commands are seemingly ignored.)
That's all fine. I was just replying to the title of your post which is that two TOOLS are active at the same time. I guess heaters need to be active on order to maintain standby temperature even if the tool itself isn't active.
That's all fine. I was just replying to the title of your post which is that two TOOLS are active at the same time. I guess heaters need to be active on order to maintain standby temperature even if the tool itself isn't active.
I do appreciate you pointing out the underlining of the tool. It helps to make clear that only one TOOL was active/selected while both HEATERS were active. That's one of the differences with the duet (and RRF, I guess) that I haven't quite become used to: "has a" relationships instead of "is a."