Duet 3 1LC with Semitec 104NT-4R025H42G temperature Probe
I have tried different configurations of 308 in relation to B and C values and nothing changes, the Tool temperature is reporting 2000C, My current 308 command is: M308 S1 P"121.temp0" Y"thermistor" T10000 B4725 C7.06e-8 ;
Everything else on the tool board is working but the nozzle will not heat until the temperature probe reads correctly.
I have changed the B and C values and nothing changes it is always 20000C.The original probe was faulty and reported 2000C and -273 or disconnected. This is a brand new probe from Revo.
This is all mounted on a Voron 2.4 R2 with the Duet 3 6HC with Duet 3 1LC and Duet 3 SZP. I am at the end of my rope and thinking about scrapping all of it for a different printer.
The different B values where the key. I tried the probe on temp1 and it worked. The hot end tool board was 23,6°C which is now controllable. I checked the pin connectors and plugged it into Temp0 and after booting it up it works their as well. B values affect the reported temperature.