I have had miserable luck with the duet 3 scanning probe. I just purchased a can adapter board from Amazon that is engineered so much better. Surface mount components but through hole tech for USB-C and Can cables. I ran the 5VDC line from the Cartographer 3d v3 to the same 5VDC as the USB and connect the ground can L and Can H to the screw terminals on the adapter board. Then I connected the green (CanH) and white (CanL) to the 1LC and the 5VDC and ground to the 5VDC plug used for the SZP. The blue light on the cartographer is blue when proximity to the bed is close and off when moved away from the bed. I have to enter the codes in the Config, but it appears to be working.

Best posts made by Polyneutron21
Eddy current probe (duet SZP, Cartographer, Beacon)
Latest posts made by Polyneutron21
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@jay_s_uk SD card is out. Cables are correct. Shh in and updated software. Still incomplete connection as it is waiting for the transfer pin.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@jay_s_uk You are correct, I re-connected all of it correctly and nothing changed. First time for everything. I have tried two different pi 5's and two different 26 pin to 40 pin GPIO and this was a new Pi 4B 8GB.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@jay_s_uk Okay I used Bosa to flash the 6HC with the newest firmware. Neither Pi 5 would connect without the error. I purchased a new Raspberry Pi 4B it arrived today. I burned the newest Duet Web control to the Duet microSD card using the raspberry pi imager. Then I connected the 24 pin plug to the mainboard and the 40 Pin GPIO on the pi SBC. I inserted the new image. Used a PSU to supply power to the Pi and a 24V PSU to power the 6HC mainboard. It booted up, tried to connect and "waiting for transfer pin" error again. I have not been able to connect this board without the waiting for transfer pin satisfied.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@jay_s_uk I took it out of the printer, connected it to a 24 VDC power supply and the pi to the computer with the USBC and the 24-40 pin cables. The wiring could not be simpler yet there was no change. I updated the firmware in the Pi 5 to 3.5.4 but the transfer pin faulted there as well. The update did finish.
Then I took it all down to pieces and used only the microSD card that came with the board and a USBC cable to the computer and the computer doesn't see it and the device manager doesn't have it.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@Phaedrux I would rather use SBC mode. if I cannot get the SBC mode straight, there is little to no point. I have Two Manta M8P with integrated CM4 with 8 gb memory and 16GB EMMC and I had klipper on the emmc for years. CanFD was the clear choice as Can was too flakey. I still have a couple EBB36 tool boards but UUID's kept getting lost.
RE: Eddy current probe (duet SZP, Cartographer, Beacon)
@elmoret Let me know what shipping is and preferred way of payment.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@droftarts I just shh into Pi and updated to version 3.5.4 and still waiting for transfer PIN. I will take out the Pi5 again and then put the card in and follow the instructions on getting it to stand alone. What is the point of all this. I think it is time to move past duet.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@Polyneutron21 I looked at the contents of the Micro SD that came with the 6HC and put it back into the 6HC then connected to the ethernet and only the red and green lights are on but I don't see any communication through the router. Do I need a jumper or something to tell it to go to stand alone mode?
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@droftarts I did remove the 16GB micro SD but this did not resolve the "Timeout waiting for transfer pin" and I have two Pi 5's and have tried both. The one dedicated to the SBC roll used to work fine. I took the Pi5 off the display and tried that one with a fresh image but that didn't work either. I also have two 24-40 pin cables and neither of those make a difference.
RE: Duet3 + SBC (Timeout while waiting for transfer ready pin)
@andywm I have the same issue. I had Chinese boards that played nice until they started getting drop outs. I purchased a genuine Duet 3 6HC and used the included cable to connect the Pi5 to the 6HC and "Timeout waiting for transfer pin. I noticed a 16 gb micro-SD card in the 6HC and thought it may be the issue, but no. Then I tried a new 24-40 pin cable and still had the same issue. Formatted thee 64GB stick with 2024-09-19-DuetPi_arm64.img and tried it after booting all Led's were bright but still had the same issue, tried a different Pi5 with a fresh copy and still "timeout waiting for transfer pin.
I am at the end of my rope,