Linear Actuator for Extruder Lifting
I am aiming to add independent Z lifting to each of the extruders in a multi extruder printer I am designing - see my Sovol SV09 thread for background details.
The main multi extruder gantry will be lifted by 4 normal Nema 17 belted Z axis lifters.
What I am wanting to do is be able to independently lift or lower each print head by a few mm's - for independent z hopping and mesh adjustments.
The print heads (without any extra hardware for Z hopping) weigh about 390g.
I have ordered a Nema 8 and Nema 14 pancake stepper which I was planning to use with a lead screw - but I came across Linear Steppers and was wondering whether something like this might do the job, perhaps with some spring assistance to overcome part of gravity if the actuators are not strong enough to do the lifting themselves.
I don't need 12mm of travel - but that seems to be the smallest I can find for a reasonable weight.
From some internet searches it looks like 7N would be able to lift 700g if I have understood things correctly.
Also I think I could add some springs to help with the lifting if necessary.There are some stronger options on steppers online - but they are also heaver.
I think these should be able to be driven by a Duet 3 board ok.
Any thoughts appreciated.