Add Relay to Z-Probe macro
My 'Job' for Z-Probing is:
1 G38.2 Z-300
2 G92 Z13.85
3 G91
4 G1 Z2
5 G90
I want to the same 'Job' to include powering on a 12vdc relay, until the probing has finished.
Can all you smart people educate me?
Thanks in advance, Ron. -
@Valveman you would normally connect a 12V relay to an OUT connector. You didn't say which board you are using, however the medium-current OUT connectors on Duet 3 boards can be jumpered to be provided with 12V power, which would be correct for your 12V relay. You would control it using the M950 command to set up a GpOut port on that output pin and then M42 commands to turn it on and off.