USB device not recognized after installing 3.6.0-rc1
After installing 3.6.0 RC1 to my MB6HC, Windows reports "USB device not recognized" when plugging it in via USB to use the serial port. I am then unable to connect via serial. DWC works and there are no error messages logged.
In device manager, the Duet 3 device reports:
This device cannot start. (Code 10) {Operation Failed} The requested operation was unsuccessful.
Downgrading to 3.5.4 resolves the issue, Windows recognizes the device and serial communication works.
I also tried the beta versions of 3.6.0 and had the same result.
Any suggestions on how to resolve this? Happy to provide any additional information that would be useful.
undefined Phaedrux moved this topic from Firmware installation
One for @dc42
undefined ArtifexAlpha marked this topic as a question
@Phaedrux thanks for moving this to the right place
I'm going to mark this one closed. I initially disconnected the idea of a bad cable because mine consistently worked. I swapped to a different cable and the issue was resolved.
It is strange though, I can consistently replicate 3.5.4 + old cable = works and 3.6.0rc1 + new cable = doesn't work. And 3.6.0rc1 + old cable = works on raspberry pi.
undefined ArtifexAlpha has marked this topic as solved