Hello, this is a strange one, so please bare with me.
I have a CoreXY machine that works well but behaves differently if there is a USB cable connected between the Duet3 board and host computer when the Duet board is powered up. If the connection is present, then the X and Y axes move opposite of their configured directions. If I power up the board and then connect the USB cable then the axes move in the correct direction. This change in behavior happens if the cable is connected, regardless of if I have an open connection.
Scenario 1: USB connected after board powers up:
- G28: Machine properly homes
- G92 to set position / G0 for manual move and everything moves in the right direction
Scenario 2: USB connected before board powers up:
- G28: Z axis correctly raises, X and Y attempt to home in the wrong directions. I have tried flipping the order of the X and Y home and the same thing happens
- G92 to set position / G0 for manual move and both X and Y move in the opposite direction
- Happens regardless of if the cable is just connected or if there is a serial connection open
I added an M118 command at the end of my config.g file to confirm everything was getting executed and I see this in the serial monitor before executing any commands.
Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot this?
- Boards: Two Duet3 MB6HC connected via CAN bus
- Connection: USB connection into CAN bus board 0
- Firmware: 3.5.4 (both boards)
- Steppers:
** Board 0: Z steppers
** Board 1: X and Y steppers
The config.g and homeall.g are attached for Board 0. Board 1 config.g only contains "M954 A1"