Bed mesh at different temps
Bed mesh/height changes at different temperatures, ie. 50, 70, 100 for different materials.
For each temp that I use I saved mesh under different name, ie. heightmap50.csv.Can I call different heightmap from start gcode in Orca based on the filament in use?
So normall call is G29 S1 and will call heightmap.csv and G29 S1 P"heightmap50.csv" would call for 50degC.
Does this make sense to use?
@aceranic you can easily do this
I use a custom start macro thats called by the slicer
this is that i have in orcaslicerM98 P"start_print.g" A[bed_temperature_initial_layer_single] B"[filament_type]" C[nozzle_temperature_initial_layer] D[nozzle_diameter]
You could then have, in start_print.g
if param.B = "ABS" G29 S1 P"heightmap50.csv"
and so on.
My example start_print.g is here -
I use a similar approach, I scan at varous temp and with different plate(steel and glass),with a complex bed.g called by G32.
I put this control in homez.g and do it after bed temp settled .
in orca start I have M190 followed by G28..... if {fileexists(floor(heat.heaters[0].active)^var.plate^".csv")} var map={(floor(heat.heaters[0].active)^var.plate^".csv")} if var.verbose echo "load "^; G29 S1 P{}; else ; if var.verbose echo "no file .csv! load heightmap.csv" G29 S1;
Isnt it easier, in Orca, to add for each material in Start Gcode a line to call a specific saved map?