Wifi Help
Pretty new user with wifi board upgraded latest firmware, and Panel Due 3.0, ver 1.17. I just updated firmware and having trouble getting wifi connected.
Remembered networks:
3DPRINT IP= GW= NM= my panel I get Http is enabled on port 80, FTP is disabled TELNET is disabled, WIFI module started.
WIFI reported error, no known networks found.
Have sent my ssid and pw with M587
and I getM552
WiFi module is idleNot sure where to go from here..
Please check the following:
1. Your router is broadcasting its SSID, not hiding it;
2. Your router's SSID on its 2.4GHz transmissions is exactly "3DPRINT". SSIDs are case-sensitive.
3. There is a reasonably good WiFi signal strength where the Duet is located.