End Print G-Code
whats the standard for finishing a print…. g-code wise
i want it to go to home but turn off all heaters, motors, and fans
There really is not a standard as it depends what you need then printer to do, you can put what you want in the end gcode.
I turn off my hotend, turn down the bed (so the print releases but it's quicker to heatup for the next print) and home the printer.
My end script
[c]G1 X15 Y15;
G1 Z350; down
M104 S0 ; turn off extruder
M140 S0 ; turn off bed
M106 P1 S0;
M84 ; disable motors[/c] -
Delta printer. My normal end, configured into Cura:
[[language]] M104 S0 ; Extruder temp 0, don't wait M140 S0 ; Bed temp 0, don't wait. G28 ; Home, to get the head out of the way; G92 E1 ; Relative G1 E-6 F300 ; Move back M84 E0 ; De-energize motors M106 P0 S0 ;Turn off Main Board cooling fan
My "cancel.g", run by the printer when a print is canceled (after a pause).
[[language]] ; stop.g ; called when a print is cancelled after a pause. G10 P0 S0 ; Turn off the effector heater M106 P2 S0 ; Turn off Fan 2\. It cools the drivers. We'll turn it on only while printing. DE 2018 01 28 G28 ; Home. DE 2018 02 01
Note: You probably do NOT want home (G28) in either one of these on a cartesian.