Maker Select i3 v2 -> Duet Wifi wiring question
I'm attempting to wire up my newly received Duet Wifi to my Maker Select. The Melzi board had the stepper motor wires labeled in order 1-, 1+, 2+, 2-. The Duet Wifi has 1b, 1a, 2a, 2b. I was hoping to confirm that in this case 1- -> 1b, 1+ -> 1a, etc. Is that the case? If not, what would be the best way to determine the proper wiring? Can I attempt to test a stepper motor without causing damage for wiring it wrong?
If nothing has changed in the wiring to the v2.1 they are pin compatible, except the E-stepper, as it does not has a propper connector. For my Wanhao i3 (Maker Select rebrand I think?) I just plugged the steppers in and they work.
If nothing has changed in the wiring to the v2.1 they are pin compatible, except the E-stepper, as it does not has a propper connector. For my Wanhao i3 (Maker Select rebrand I think?) I just plugged the steppers in and they work.
Unfortunately, that's not the case for me. The connectors don't fit the Duet Wifi board. I'm going to have to wire up the included connectors, or shave off the "guides" on the printer connectors to make them fit. It would probably just be better to do it right.
Good to know that they are generally pin compatible, however, as the connectors don't line up I don't know if the 1- -> 1b, 1+ -> 1a, or if the 2- ->1b, 2+ ->1a, etc. Or if it even matters.
By the way, thank you for your write up on this process. Much appreciated.
Thank you for the link - I think I know which wires belong to the same phase, but that doesn't confirm which spot on the board they should be plugged into. Or maybe I'm just being overly cautious. If two wires are the same phase, do they get plugged into the same numbered slots? e.g. 1a and 1b? Does it matter which wire goes to a/b? or does the same phase pair go to 1a and 2a?
Also, to further my understanding, do the names of the pins indicate anything I should be aware of? The + and - on the melzi board were fairly obvious, I think, but I don't want to assume "a" means "-" on the duet.
The two wires belonging to one phase must be at one end of the 4-pin connector that plugs into the Duet, and the two wires belonging to the other phase at the other end.
The two wires belonging to one phase must be at one end of the 4-pin connector that plugs into the Duet, and the two wires belonging to the other phase at the other end.
Thanks! Excited to get back to this tonight.