A few days ago my Titan Aero started stuttering while extruding and retracting. After a lot of troubleshooting I was conviced that it was a bad cable, but that does not seem to be the only problem.
I used the pancake motor that came with my Titan Aero and it was running successfully for a few days after finaly installing it on my printer. Then one morning when I wanted to change filament it startet suttering a bit while retracting. I didn't think much of it so I inserted the new filament and startet to print. While printing it stuttered more often so I cancelled the print and got on with the troubleshooting. Trying higher temperatures, doing cold pulls, pushing the filament manually,... I could cofirm that it was not a clogged nozzle. I then disassembled the extruder and tried to run the motor on its own which resultet in more stuttering and ended in the motor only stuttering and not moving at all. I then tried the motor from my old extruder, which also did stutter. I then tried another motor driver (was using E0 exclusively before that) but it also stuttered. Than I used another motor cable and the motor turned without a problem. So I reassembled the Titan Aero, first with the pancake motor, but it started stuttering again, then with the other motor and I finally got filament extruding. I then tried a print, not bothering with finetuning the extruder steps, just modifying it for the 1.8° stepper instead of the 0.9° pancake stepper. The print started fine, but after a few layers it began to stutter again. I cancelled the print, tried again with higher temperatures and slower extrusion speeds, but it begins to stutter more frequently again. I now stopped everything because I don't want to damage another motor.
I'm at a loss. It's not just the motor, it was not just the cable, it's not a clogged nozzle and it does not seem to be too high pressure on the motor shaft. What can I look for now? I also tried adjusting the motor current (was set to 1200mA for my old extruder, which I also used with the Titan Aero pancake motor without problems, that one is rated for 1400mA), but that doesn't do anything, either...
I need help, please