Heat fault
Yes if your PSU is 24v the heater cartridge should be as well. Is it?
Do you get an error message when you try to turn the heater on?
Did it work before? Did something recently change?Need a lot more information.
Turn the hotend on and check the voltage at the board to see if it's coming on.
No voltage reading at the hot end screws but the red led does come on.
Yes if your PSU is 24v the heater cartridge should be as well. Is it?
Do you get an error message when you try to turn the heater on?
Did it work before? Did something recently change?Need a lot more information.
Yes the message is 'Heater Fault'
It has been working for months until today, nothing has changed. -
If you own a multimeter check the resistance between the terminals. With the board turned off ofc. The resistance should be from 14 to 20 Ω for the 24V cartridge, or around 4 Ω for the 12V one. That should rule out the faulty heater element.
It appears I can't use a multi meter properly as I just get a value of "1"
That is the reading you get when what you are measuring is open circuit. So either the heater cartridge has failed or you have a bad connection in the wiring to it.
Thanks. Should I be able to measure 24v at the connection block on the board when I turn the heater on?
Yes. Be careful not to short it out while you are measuring it.
The LED and its resistor are connected in parallel with the terminal block; so if the LED is lit then it's most unlikely that you won't find 24V on the terminal block.
I'll order a new heater cartridge just to be safe