Delta printer Z axis movement vs Z tower movement
I need to create an axis that follows the the Z axis of a delta, not the Z tower movement, just the Z coordinate. Other firmwares use the alpha, beta, gamma for the tower movement, is there a way I can separate this in RRF? I have thought of doing this with gcode using a U axis that follows the Z position but I would rather use the hardware.
Here are two possibilities:
1. Add a new kinematics class to the firmware, derived from class LinearDeltaKinematics, but with the coordinate transfer functions changed to make the U axis follow the Z coordinate. I may do this myself soon, but I need to complete the RTOS work first.
2. Use a GCode Post-processor to replace all commands in the GCode file of the form G1 Znn by G1 Znn Unn.
Thank you for the info.
2. Use a GCode Post-processor to replace all commands in the GCode file of the form G1 Znn by G1 Znn Unn.
That "GCode Post-processor" could be as simple as a 'sed' command. And there are several 'sed' for windows available.
I will see if I can come up with an example later tonight.
This works on a Mac, and would be very close on any other platform:
[[language]] sed -E 's/ Z([0-9\.]*)/ Z\1 U\1/g' You might NOT need the -E flag on other platforms. Maybe.
The above will produce the output to stdout, meaning you'd need to > it to another file. Something like
[[language]] sed -E 's/ Z([0-9\.]*)/ Z\1 U\1/g' Original.gcode > Modified.gcode -
Thanks Danal, I had to fire up the old macbookpro to use sed, it did not work in windows sed but worked great on the mac. I am making a side dump axis that follows the z axis for printing with a Mosaic Pallette+. This will save so much print time and filament.
Ooooh… tell me more. I am really itching to get a Pallette+
You can get sed for Windows here: