IR height sensor seems to work ok but when printing all goes wrong
i have a 400X400 Bed and i mesh then save and even load before a print but the right-hand side always seems to be too low and the left-hand side seems to high. i can never get a good first layer
my mesh grid is
M557 X20:360 Y0:360 S30 -
Please post a screenshot of your height map.
No bed level can adjust so much… What is your setup? There must be some serious mechanical issues... Causing this extreme tilt
What surface is your bed? Heard some light sources can affect your IR bed level sensor too.
its a homemade setup but when i bought the aluminum plate i didn't plan for the heated bed silicon sheet to be the same size exactly.
so now i cant drill holes in the aluminum sheet.
so i have to clip it to the Y axis until i work it out
What surface is your bed? Heard some light sources can affect your IR bed level sensor too.
heated aluminum with blue tape
The IR sensor works very well with blue tape; so as long as there is blue tape over the whole bed, or at least over all the points that you probe, it should work well.
From the height map, it looks like the bed isn't parallel to either the X or Y axes. You need to fix that.
Those are a lot better. You have mostly sorted out the X axis because it is just slightly low on the right hand side. However, the bed and the Y axis are still not parallel to each other