BlTouch issue.... (One more....)
I am having problems with the Z-probe that I am using, at the moment a BlTouch sensor.
Until yesterday it worked, following the instructions in [], correctly. But since yesterday it does not work correctly, I want to think that it will be a problem in the wiring, but I do not know where to put it in ....
I explain ...
1- When I turn on the printer, the sensor performs the initial test, extends and collects.
2- After the initial test, the sensor stays collected, with the light on
3- When I send the macros, which I have configured, to extend, collect, and test. THEY DO NOT WORK. The macros that I have used so far, and that have worked for me are:3.1.- Extend: M280 P3 S10 I1
3.2.- Regoger: M280 P3 S90 I1
3.3.- Test: M280 P3 S120 I1
3.4.- Reset: M280 P3 S160 I1I think it goes without saying that if I try to calibrate the BlTouch, it does not deploy ...
I have checked with a multimeter, the continuity of the cables that go from the BlTouch to the Duet board
If the sensor does the initial test correctly:
A- Where is the problem, if it is in the wiring?
B- On the two cables that connect it with the Z-Probe Socket?
C- Any kind of test I can do to discard things?
D- At the moment, I have the BlTouch connected in Heater3. What do you recommend?Thank you
I have this lines in config.g...
M307 H3 A-1 C-1 D-1 ; Disable the 3th Heater to free up PWM channel 3 on the Duex board
M558 P9 X0 Y0 Z1 H5 F100 T2000 A4 R0.5 ;M558 P9 H5 F500 T4000 X0 Y0 Z1 ; Set Z probe type/mode 9. H=Dive Height. F=Speed the bed moves -
Are you sure you have it connected to the third heater pin? In they have it connected to another pin (heater 7).
Here are some possibilities:
Servo (orange) wire of the bltouch not connected to the correct pin on the Duet, or a bad crimp connection in that cable. See for how it should be connected.
Heater 3 hasn't been disabled. Send M307 H3 and it should report "Heater 3 is disabled".
Faulty bltouch.
Faulty Duet heater 3 output.
Using P9 in the M558 command, but you are using firmware earlier than 1.21 so type 9 is not supported. Send M558 and check that is reports type 9.