CNC - Touch plate Macro
I would like to setup a Macro to detect a touchplate,
basically just use one of the endstop plug on the duetwifi to detect contact between, endmill bit and a metal
When i run the macro
I want z to lower slowly until a endstop is triggered, then the Z position is subtracted by the thickness of the touchplate and then that value is set as Z0then Z will raise by 10mm
Hoping someone can help me script this.
Hoping this Gcode can be implemented
G38.x Straight Probe (CNC specific)
G38.2 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact, signal error if failure
G38.3 probe toward workpiece, stop on contact
G38.4 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contact, signal error if failure
G38.5 probe away from workpiece, stop on loss of contactalso be able to set probe plate thickness
I'm working on a similar function for locating my hotend nozzles in XY&Z.
For the Duet you would use G30 instead of G38. Its a simple straight probe in Z.I use it right now to probe both heads onto a touch switch on my bed.
I use G0 XY ( to the location of my touch switch)
G0 Z (to a rough value above the touch switch
G30 ( to probe down to the touch switch) This will set the Z offset based on the Z value entered in G31 in your config file. It should be set to the thickness of your touch switch.
G0 Z ( Up away from the touch switch)Then in my case I call T1 to switch heads.
G0 XY ( to the location of my touch switch)
G0 Z (to a rough value above the touch switch
G30 S-1 ( to probe down to the touch switch but not change the Z offset.)
Record the Z value and enter it into my G10 for T1 in my config file.
G0 Z ( Up away from the touch switch)I know I can use G30 S-2 to set the offsets in both heads but I haven't taken time to mess with it yet.