Enclosure for duewifi and duex5
Looks good! May I suggest that you publish it on Thingiverse? That will make it easier for people to find. Also if you publish the source files you used to create it, then Duet owners will be able to adapt it.
I somehow remember that someone (dc42?) created an enclosure where the boards were mounted side-by-side, but I can't seem to find it - does anyone happen to have a link at hand?
Don't know if it's any use to you but I did this one where the boards are mounted end to end http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1859048
Yes, that was the one I remembered. Just curious - I would have probably rotated the boards to minimize the length of the ribbon cable, but there certainly was a good reason for the current placement? Access to the SD card slot, maybe?
Yes, that was the one I remembered. Just curious - I would have probably rotated the boards to minimize the length of the ribbon cable, but there certainly was a good reason for the current placement? Access to the SD card slot, maybe?
The reason I did it that way was because the Vin and gnd links between the 2 boards need to be short - less than 100mm and the gnd needs to be low resistance - ideally solid core cable or multi core with ferrules in accordance with these instructions https://duet3d.com/wiki/DueX2_and_DueX5_expansion_boards.
That is true but I have the successfully mounted side by side as vwegery describes and that is how I designed them to be mounted. Just make sure a low resistance connection is maintained, as decking man describes.
Yes just to clarify, I wasn't saying that you can't mount them side by side, I was just responding to the question of why I chose to mount them one above the other. I'd also like to remind people that if you decide to mount them as I have done, you'll need a longer ribbon cable to connect the two boards together. I put the OpenScad file on Thingiverse as well, so it wouldn't take much to adapt the design to suit side by side mounting of the boards.
Have corrected some minor issues and posted all the files on thingiverse
http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1936685 -
Just amended the Duetwifi and duex2/5 enclosure on thingiverse – http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1936685
This has fixed a few problems and offers more choices in the scad file i.e.
Duetwifi no fan
Duetwifi 40/50/60/80 external fan mount
Duetwifi 40/50/60/80 internal fan mount
Duetwifi and duex2/5 no fan
Duetwifi and duex2/5 40/50/60/80 external fan mount
Duetwifi and duex2/5 40/50/60/80 internal fan mount
fan guard 40/50/60/ fan widthsselect printbox to print enclosure
select printlid to print main enclosure lid
select printlidx5 to print lid for duex5 board
select printguard to true to print grill
select nuttrap for the grill to have nut traps or round head bolts
select expcon to include access to the expansion connector of the duetwifi boardselect hardware to view boards and fans in position
select assembled to view the complete enclosure with lid/s -
Great work, thanks!