Dimensions of the Paneldue 4.3 and 5''?
Hi there,
as I am planning to convert my Prusa Clone to DuetWifi I consider to buy a PanelDue. For my Hypercube Evolution I own a 7'' integrated, but this Panel would be almost the size of the whole heatbedSo is there a page with all the dimensions so I could have a look and pick the size I need. (Or is there maybe a 5'' Paneldue integrated that will be released soon?)
greetings kuhni
No dimensions out there?
My Panel Due enclosure design on Thingiverse includes the OpenScad model, which has the dimensions of the panel embedded within it.
@kuhnikuehnast I have updated the documentation with the dimensions for the version 2.0/3.0 PCB and the 4.3/5.0 screens:
Sorry for the delay!