Duet Wifi Gui for Raspberry Pi
I'm trying to develop a basic gui for duet via python (over usb).
Here is my sample codes.
0_1534145066940_Loop3D_2.txt Python File (change .txt to .py)
0_1534145129998_Loop3D.txt Glade File (change .txt to .glade)read_duet thread reads data from duet once every 100 milliseconds and updates labels. But I have a problem. If a command (like home all) comes during this reading operation, I can't read data from duet until operation end.
(when a command come)
Do you have a suggestion for this problem ?
Thanks & Regards
The problem with USB is that it's strictly serial because the Duet provides only one endpoint. I am a little surprised that homing is a problem, but heating will certainly be a problem. Use HTTP instead of USB to avoid this issue.
Sorry I'm not well-informed about http.
Do I need a network for http communication ? I wanna set up network-free system like PanelDue. Should I use UART ?
Could you give more detailed information ?
UART has the same problem, a single channel. Yes you need a network to use HTTP. I guess you could use both UART and USB, one to send commands and another to get status information.
I tried UART communication but I failed.
RPi ------> Duet
Rx to Tx
Tx to Rx
GND to GNDCodes:
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyS0',bytesize=8, baudrate = 57600,stopbits = 1,parity = 'N')
ser.write("M408 S0\n")But I couldn't get response from duet.
By default the Duet only accepts commands from the PanelDue port if they contain line numbers and checksums. You can use the M575 command to change this.
Many Thanks for your helps.
"M575 P1 B57600 S0" command solved my problem.
Thanks & Regards