Many Thanks for your helps.
"M575 P1 B57600 S0" command solved my problem.
Thanks & Regards
Many Thanks for your helps.
"M575 P1 B57600 S0" command solved my problem.
Thanks & Regards
I tried UART communication but I failed.
RPi ------> Duet
Rx to Tx
Tx to Rx
import serial
ser = serial.Serial(port = '/dev/ttyS0',bytesize=8, baudrate = 57600,stopbits = 1,parity = 'N')
ser.write("M408 S0\n")
But I couldn't get response from duet.
Sorry I'm not well-informed about http.
Do I need a network for http communication ? I wanna set up network-free system like PanelDue. Should I use UART ?
Could you give more detailed information ?
I'm trying to develop a basic gui for duet via python (over usb).
Here is my sample codes.
0_1534145066940_Loop3D_2.txt Python File (change .txt to .py)
0_1534145129998_Loop3D.txt Glade File (change .txt to .glade)
read_duet thread reads data from duet once every 100 milliseconds and updates labels. But I have a problem. If a command (like home all) comes during this reading operation, I can't read data from duet until operation end.
(when a command come)
Do you have a suggestion for this problem ?
Thanks & Regards