And now..... Fans
i have a Duet2 board, and until the moment, was working without problems... but this morning fans let turn, none.
Always on fan, stopped. Heatbreak fan, stopped, layers fan stopped....
I have check 2 things:
- I have a PC PSU, 12v, and connect always on fan (12cms) and Heatbreak fan, they are 24v, and two fans turn....
and - i have checked, with multimeter, voltage in always on fan, with Duet2 power on... and only can read aprox 2V...
Some ideas?
I have to say, that yesterday... fans works
P.D.: Rest of Duet works, DWC, homing, moving.... only a strange behavoir, this morning when launch a print work...., Nozzle goes to start point.... and retracts filament, i have checked 2 or 3 times, changing slicer, and always the same.
- I have a PC PSU, 12v, and connect always on fan (12cms) and Heatbreak fan, they are 24v, and two fans turn....
If it's just all the fans that don't work, and you have the fan voltage selector jumper in the VIN position:
If you have a 1.03 or 1.04 revision Duet, check the blade fuse. We supply a 1A fuse, but if you have a lot of fans or you have fans that take more current than usual, you can replace it with a 2A fuse. It's a "mini blade fuse".
If you have an earlier revision Duet, most likely you had a short in one of the fan circuits, and the PCB trace between VIN+ and the VIN pin of the fan voltage selector jumper block has fused. Check it with a multimeter.
think the fuse is dead... i have checked with continuit.... and there isnt continuity....
Now.... search a blade fuse 2A in August...
Can use a Míni Blade Fuse of 3A? For fans... Or must to be 1A or 2A.
Yes you can use a 3A fuse, but obviously it won't protect the PCB traces form shorts in the fan wiring as well as a 1A or 2A fuse would. You should find 2A fuses readily available on eBay. The 1A fuses are a little less common.