Adding drivers to Duex2...
From what I can tell the Duex to and 5 PCB is identical. Only that the 2 has a few missing components.
Is there any reason at all why it wont be possible to add the TMC2660 driver header to the unused solder pads to expand the motor controllers?
I ask as currently Im only going to need 7 drivers hence the 2... but if such a reason later comes up to need 8 or 9 or even 10, rather than buy another board. Just adding the drivers to the board would be better...
Does Duet sabotages the unused pads?
Id imagin it would be a lot cheaper just upgrading the board hardware than buying a whole new board...
We don't sabotage the X2 in any way, but of course we don't test that whether it could support the x5 functionality. To convert a latest version X2 to X5 you would need to add the additional drivers and connectors, and add/remove some 0 ohm resistors. See the schematic at
Ahh good, thanks
Thought it would be fairly simple, i just ordered the wifi and duex2
been spending lots on this new build... its making the pocket light and me light headed...
If you are feeling light-headed, maybe we can sell you a Smart Effector too? (Only joking!)