Multiple issues with Duet Ethernet since 2 weeks
Hi to all
I have rebuilt a Mankati XT Plus with a Duet Ethernet a year and half ago.
The printer was running very well and the prints were very good ... until 2 weeks ago.
First I noticed some issues with the movement on X axis, having some wobbling or ringing on the walls (even on long straight walls), but Y axis was good.
I have checked the belts, bearings, bushings, everything looks OK. I have rebuilt all the gantry, rods, bearing, bushings 6 months ago.
So I have oriented the next part with the largest dimension on Y. The problem was then on Y axis
I have cleaned the board, case cooling fan. It was pretty clean.
Since the main rebuilt 6 months ago, I have a duct from the PSU to outside of the case to extract hot air out of the case.Now I have doubts on the Z axis, as some of the first layers seems to be more than the resolution chosen.

I have shut down the printer yesterday nearly all day, but I made a print during the night. The walls are very good !
The prints done this morning are having the same issues since 2 weeks !
I have checked the voltage of the PSU (industrial one, not Chinese crap) on the board sensor, pretty steady at 24.3V.
By the way, the heated bed is powered from the second rail of the PSU using an SSR.
Is it possible that the board is having issues with some sort of overheating ?
Thanks for your help
David -
It would appear to be mechanical to me. Bad bearing perhaps?
I forgot to say that I have sometimes the head crashing into the bed when starting a print.
The start script is G28, G29, prime nozzle just above the bed
The head is crashing when doing the prime.This behavior is new from end of last week
@phaedrux said in Multiple issues with Duet Ethernet since 2 weeks:
It would appear to be mechanical to me. Bad bearing perhaps?
I don’t think so as the problem appears to affect both X and Y axis, on moves were only one axis at a time is involved
Hi to all
I have done a reprint yesterday night.
I use Cura 3.6 instead of S3D to slice.I have the same problems as yesterday morning :
- inconsistent layer height on the first 10 layers -> so print is not solid
- wobbling / ringing on Y axis this time though the wall was long and straight.
This printer is used intensively (I'm a 3d print service provider) and nearly switched on 24 by 7, and printing more than 16 hours per day 6 or 7 days a week.
As all the defects are not consistent and affecting different axis, I really suspect an electronic issue.
Thanks for your help !
@v3dprinting said in Multiple issues with Duet Ethernet since 2 weeks:
Is it possible that the board is having issues with some sort of overheating ?
That's most unlikely. Unless you are using very old firmware, the firmware will warn you if any of the internal stepper drivers report an over-temperature condition, about 20C before they shut down because of over-temperature.
Also, your prints don't show any layer shifts, which is what you would get if the stepper drivers reached the shutdown temperature.
You can monitor the CPU temperature in Duet Web Control.
Your two prints look very similar to me, so I think the artefacts in them are probably caused by the slicer.
What architecture is the printer? Also, what is the pitch of the wobbling pattern along the long straight wall?
Hi David
Thank you for the valuable input. Nice features embedded into the firmware.
I'm currently at home, but I retrieved from other posts my firmware version ; 1.21.
I will monitor the CPU temperature and measure the pitch of the pattern tomorrow when I'm in the office.Regarding the artifacts and slicers, the two columns were sliced with S3D 4.xx and the pan with Cura 3.6 in my last post (S3D in the first one).
My printer is a cartesian printer (Ultimaker clone) with dual extruders on the same printed.
I have powered off the printer since midday, and I will do some more testing tomorrow :
- Simple PLA print of a cross to check wobbling and Z axis (previous prints were done using ASA)
- Print using the right extruder/hotend instead of the left (main) one
- Switch the left and right Bondtech extruders motors
- Increase the current of the extruders from 600mA (Bondtech extruders were running fine at that current since July '17) to 900 mA
- Check for any play in the lead screw nut or build plate linear bearings.
I let you know tomorrow.
David -
I confirm my firmware version 1.21.
The pitch of the pattern is approx 0,9 mm.
My steppers are 400 steps/rev and I'm using GT2 belts and 20 teeth pulleys on the gantry. Remember it's like an Ultimaker 2 geometry.
The Z lead screw is a 4 mm/rev one, also with GT2 20 teeth pulleys (not direct drive from the stepper)
BTW the printer is powered since the beginning using a 1500 VA UPS.
There is an Ultimaker 3 on the same UPS. No issues at all on that one.I attach the config.g, the S3D factory file used for the first print of the pan and the Cura 3.6 project for the second print of the pan. will do the testing today.
Any feedback appreciated
David -
Some more information
I have started the tests, so switched on the printer, set up the filament and uploaded a simple part.
Then start the print and during the start phase, the printer made the homing, but not the mesh leveling and crashed into my build plate.
Here's the starting script in S3D
Here's the console
So I've hit the emergency stop at 10:54.
Then done manually the start sequence and it worked !I have now started the print, without any issues during the start phase, except some baby stepping to have a perfect first layer.
Strange ! Seems to me that the electronic is faulty.
Print is done, but with lots of issues.
First the design was a square, each branch was 100 mm and the section was 10 * 10 mm.
The part printed is :
X = 100,2 mm
Y = 100,15 mm
Z = 11,69 mm !!!!!First layer is a bit squeeched on the bed, so with a less than 200 microns height.
Last layer is good, with no significant over or under extrusion
But the first 4 mm layers are well over 200 microns, giving the extra 1,69 mm in Z
The walls are good with no wobbling.
It was expected as the printer had been switched off for nearly a day.Definitely there is an electronic issue, but not on the extrusion system.
I presume it's on the moves and increases when's hot.I have checked the CPU Temp and it was pretty steady bet. 31,9 and 32,2°C.
The PSU is delivering Vin bet. 24,1 and 24,4VHelp needed ! Thanks
David -
That looks like too high bed temperature. Did you check the thermistor there? What is the displayed temp? Do you have an IR thermometer or another way to measure the bed temp and crosscheck with what Duet says?
I have just tried your FFF file and the bottom "bigger layers" are supports?
@sigxcpu said in Multiple issues with Duet Ethernet since 2 weeks:
That looks like too high bed temperature. Did you check the thermistor there? What is the displayed temp? Do you have an IR thermometer or another way to measure the bed temp and crosscheck with what Duet says?
No, it’s not a bed temp issue.
Setting is 55° C, actual on the Duet is 55,7°C. Reading with an IR thermometer is 53,2°CBTW the height of the part is 11,69mm instead of 10. Nothing to do with bed temp.
The build plate lowered by an additional 1,69 mm than it should. -
@boldnuts said in Multiple issues with Duet Ethernet since 2 weeks:
I have just tried your FFF file and the bottom "bigger layers" are supports?
Not only. There are two foots on the part that were affected so.
I reproduce the same behavior with a simple part without supports in my last tests.
I have done a second print of the same test square, after letting the printer switched on, idle for 2 hours.
I have the same issues as the ones reported this morning, but increased : the part is now 12,51 mm height instead of 10 mm.
So definitely it is an electronic issue.
There is something in the board that derives when switched on on some drivers.For the moment, I haven't reproduced the wobbling I had couple of times with the pan and some other parts before.
Maybe it is of importance : the pan was printed using ASA (hotend @255°C printbed @90°C) and the tests done on the square are using PLA (hotend @205°C, printbed @55°C)
From one of your photos, it looks like your bed moves in the Z direction. Are you using Z lift in your retraction settings? if so then it's possible that your Z acceleration (or just possible maximum speed or jerk) is set too high, causing the Z axis to lose steps when lifting the bed (e.g. undoing Z lift) but not when lowering the bed. If that's the reason, reducing Z acceleration or increasing motor current may fix it.
To test this theory, trying setting the bed a measured distance below the nozzle (maybe just touching it), then repeatedly do Z+5 followed by Z-5 many times. Then see whether the bed height is the same as it was originally.
Hi Dave
Thanks for the feedback.
The print was done without any z lift.
I have done another test print (same object) two hours after the second one, keeping the printer powered on, idle.
Now the part has increase another time, approx 1mm, same scenario : the first millimeters are like the resolution is 300 microns or more, then back to a normal 200 resolution.
The bed is not skipping steps and I am pretty sure that the first layers are like that because the driver is not sending the right impulsions to the stepper.
Keep in mind that when I realized there was a problem, X and Y axis were wobbling on top. Like if the steppers were shaky.
It might be linked to the impulsions form factor or timing given by the drivers. I'm not familiar with the TMC but I know they have lots of nice features embedded.
I've just started a new test print to see the effect of the powered on period.
It will stay powered for the night and I'll do another test print tomorrow morning. -
The new print seems to be good for the first layers with 200 microns per layers or so.
Very strange !
I kept the printer powered on and idle since the last failed print.
I have resliced the part, as I was running out of the filament, with different filament diameter and hotend temp.BTW I'm using S3D 4.0 since months and haven't changed version nor parameters except the ones linked to the material.
It is more and more and electronic issue !
@v3dprinting said in Multiple issues with Duet Ethernet since 2 weeks:
BTW I'm using S3D 4.0 since months and haven't changed version nor parameters except the ones linked to the material.
It is more and more and electronic issue !
I have the same problems using Cura 3.6
So it's hardware.
No M122 output posted. No config posted. Those would be helpful.