Where can find info of a Delta maths...
i d'like fine tuning the layer heigh, and think, not sure, that the best layer height is when the Z movement correspond with motor Steps.... i explain, say that i am not sure of this:
- If i have configured in Duet to 64 microsteps by turn, the minimun movement in Z direction its when the 3 motors turn 1/64 parts of a turn...
- If my printer uses GT2 Belts ---> How many distance will move in Z, when motors turn 1/64? (This is my number objective, the layer height it has to be that number or a multiplicity
More over this:
- The materials that I use the most are ABS, PETG and PLA (little)
- The layer height for these materials, that depends:
- Of the type of material
- Of diameter of nozzle
- Printer hardware
- Others (ex:"The faint blow of the wings of a butterfly may be the cause of a 3d impression fails me", la junta de "la trocola", rain,.... and anothers)
@peirof The distance moved depends on the pulley diameter and the lead of your screw. If the pulley diameters on the motor and screw are the same, then with a 1.8 degree motor, 200 full steps will equal 1 revolution of the screw. Divide the lead of the screw by 200 will give you the travel for each full step. Use layer heights that are multiples of this number. If you have 0.9 degree motors, use 400 full steps per revolution.
Edit. I may have misunderstood your post but it's generally not a good idea to rely on microstepping for positional accuracy - far better to use layer heights that are multiples of full steps. -
eeee.... i forget mention, its a delta, dont uses screws, motor are atached to axis carriages, with a GT2 pulley
Using 1.8deg motors, at x16 microstepping the steps/mm will be 80 if you use 20-tooth pulleys or 100 if you use 16-tooth pulleys. Dividing by 16 this gives the full steps/mm as 5 using 20-tooth or 6.25 using 16-tooth. So if you are looking to use full step amounts, good layer heights are multiples of 0.2mm and 0.16 mm respectively. If your motors are 0.9deg then these values are halved.
I use 16-tooth pulleys and 0.9deg motors, so in theory multiples of 0.08mm should work best. But I normally use 0.2mm layer height and I haven't noticed a problem.