Part Fan Value Missing
The current part fan percentage is not registering on my Panel Due - stuck at 0 percent reading. DWC reads correctly. Ethernet ver 2.02a // DWC 2.0.0 RC3.
Which version of PanelDue Firmware are you running? Look on the Setup page of PanelDue to find out.
David -
Installed latest version 1.22.1 and still no joy. A little more info for you.
1 - The PanelDue fan reading stays at zero percent forever, EXCEPT
2 - If I manually kick the tool fan up or down the PanelDue reading changes to reflect the new DWC value.
3 - The value of the last reading remains unchanged even with a g-code commanded change (DWC reads the new fan correctly).Curious!
It's working correctly for me. I am using fan 0 as the print cooling fan. Are you using a different fan number, by using the F parameter in the M563 tool creation command?
EDIT: I just tried using the F parameter to map the fan, and PanelDue still displayed the value that I set in DWC.
Perhaps I didn't state the problem clearly or correctly so I'll try again
1 - I also use fan 0 for the part fan
2 - If , using the DWC Status tab speed slider to set a fan speed, the value reports correctly on PanelDue.
3 - BUT if , for example, I send M106 S255 P0 from DWC ( or from a g-code file ) the PanelDue does NOT report the new value but the DWC displays the new, correct fan speed.
4 - To ensure the setup is correct I sent M563 F0 -
OK, I've reproduced what I think is the issue you report. If I send M106 Snnn as a slicer would, PanelDue updates its fan speed display. But if I send M106 Snnn P0, PanelDue doesn't.
I think the reason is that RRF keeps a "last commanded print cooling fan speed" which is the last value that was seen in an M106 command with no P parameter. That is the value reported to PanelDue. It is also the value that will be used if you switch to a different tool with a different F parameter.
So the question is: when the firmware receives a M106 Sxxx Pn command, if Pn is the current print cooling fan (as defined by the M563 F parameter for the current tool), should it update the "last commanded print cooling fan speed" variable?
Good work - you hit it. The problem stems from the fact that Simplify subtends the M106 command with the fan number. Is that the case with other slicers? Outside my knowledge. Thanks.
@balrags said in Part Fan Value Missing:
Good work - you hit it. The problem stems from the fact that Simplify subtends the M106 command with the fan number. Is that the case with other slicers? Outside my knowledge. Thanks.
I believe that is configurable in S3D under Tools->Firmware Configuration->FFF.
You are correct. The Fan-Off command still must have the fan number explicitly stated (P0). Seems to solve my problem. Thanks for the help.
I think I've noticed something similar to this. If I pin the fan speed in the DWC the paneldue doesn't update the fan speed display to match the slider in the DWC.