HEVO config, copy or start from scratch?
I need configuration files for a Hypercube Evolution 300x300 printer with Duet Wifi (Dual Z, BL touch, X,Y max optical end stops).
Should I just start from scratch and use the form https://configurator.reprapfirmware.org/Start or should I look for a config from an already existing printer?
(the form is nice but I don't know how complete it is and and how much black magic and manual tweaks are required for a real life printer).
If you have the mechanical and electrical specifics for your printer the configurator is a really good start. But once you have that config you really should go through the commissioning process to test everything out and make sure it's working. Even if someone gave you a complete config set there is no guarantee it will work for you since they could have slightly different hardware, settings, etc.
Once you have the configurator config and it boots up without error, go through the following guides to ensure all your commands are correct and get verify and tweak your homing files, etc.
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/ConfiguringRepRapFirmwareCartesianPrinter (even though it says cartesian it includes the basics needed for any printer)
and follow up with
https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/ConfiguringRepRapFirmwareCoreXYPrinter -
Thanks Phaedrux. This is very useful. I will start from scratch then, use the configuration form and follow the procedures you linked.
Considering to sailfish and marlin, the configuration process here seems very user friendly.
This will also come in handy: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/Wiki/GCode
And the main documentation page: https://duet3d.dozuki.com/#Section_Getting_started_with_the_Duet_2_WiFi_or_Ethernet