Ultimaker Clone
So i have ordered the Duet WIFI and The Duet Panel.
I am doing a large Ultimaker CLone.
the heat bed is 18" x 18"
the frame is 3030 extrusion.Has any one used the Duet Wifi on a Ultimaker Clone.
Is there away to hack the graphics on the duo panel?
moved buttons etc, change colors…make them more symbolizedMinskMade
The PanelDue firmware is open source so you can hack it however you like. The source code is currently at https://github.com/dc42/PanelDue but the next release will be from https://github.com/dc42/PanelDueFirmware.
hmm…this may not be the board for me...i prolly should have gone more plug and play...
oh well its on the way....really not a code hacker