"DBot" CoreXY up and running
I finally reached the point where I was able to make my first prints.
The printer began life as a set of parts out of China (good stuff) with the printed parts done by Shapeways.
After building it as designed I completely re-did the Z-axis mechanics as I did not like the original setup. I also did my own part to mount a E3D hotend/Zesty Nimble combo. I replaced plastic parts with metal in several places.
The initial printed parts for the E3D/Nimble mount and the bed supports lacked strength as they were just for proof of concept. The printer did not print well with them but it did print.
After I modified the parts to add extra strength the printer began to print well. The surface "finish" doesn't seem to be quite as "smooth" as my FT-5.
I still have some plastic parts I want to machine out of aluminum (like I have the time for that!).
I was actually surprised that the first prints with the stronger parts were as good as they were.
That looks like a very solid Dbot. well done. My eyes went a little wide at the sight of the size of the Z motor. No torque problems there! What pitch/lead are your lead screws?
@phaedrux said in "DBot" CoreXY up and running:
That looks like a very solid Dbot. well done. My eyes went a little wide at the sight of the size of the Z motor. No torque problems there! What pitch/lead are your lead screws?
I like to really be able to slew that bed around when I'm in the mood - thus the big stepper!
I hadn't really given the lead screw specs much thought until you mentioned it.
I know I have never used anything other the 400 steps/mm, 1/16 stepping, 1.8 steppers.
As I understand it these are 4 start/2 mm which yields 8mm movement per revolution.
But your comments are motivating me to do a little research.
Some of my prints have come up very good but others have surfaces that are not very "smooth". I don't really know what might be the problem at this point. Your comments on belt and pulley issues have me looking at that as well.
My motivation for using a 2mm lead/pitch lead screw on mine was to remove the possibility of my 10 pound bed from auto rotating down at power loss as well as reduce the torque requirements for the single motor to lift it. As it is I think I could stand on it and jump and it wouldn't budge. I haven't tested the lifting capacity but I suspect it's rather good.