@marvineer Thank you! I was not aware of M913, and had just been trying to mess with M906 but this is exactly what I needed.

Latest posts made by jonathanbrent
RE: Reduce motors to idle current when machine status is "Busy"?
Reduce motors to idle current when machine status is "Busy"?
My machine is in a "busy" state for long periods of time where I just have one stepper motor (a peristaltic pump) running. Is there a way to get the motors that move my X,Y, and Z axes to go to their idle current (i.e. 30%) even when another motor is on? My M84 is set to 10 seconds but since the machine isn't going "Idle" this doesn't help me. l I would prefer not to disable them and have to rehome.
Let me know if anyone has any thoughts.
RE: Run a stepper motor at constant speed indefinitely
@dc42 Thank you! Exactly what I needed
Run a stepper motor at constant speed indefinitely
I am using a Mainboard 6HC on RRF 3.5.2.
My duet machine uses a stepper pump to essentially drain a small tank continuously. My X, Y, and Z motors are run via macros that are triggered by an external PLC. When the machine is "idle" (waiting for a command from the PLC), I would like my stepper pump to be running indefinitely until a macro is triggered by the PLC.
I can't seem to find a way to "turn on" a stepper driver without giving it a distance/extrusion to move and making the duet board "busy", which won't work as it needs to be ready to run a macro at any time.
Is there such a way to do what I'm trying to do? I saw @dc42 commented about a planned feature addition here: https://forum.duet3d.com/topic/31768/motor-stop-command/2.
RE: Running gcode macros via serial
@dc42 Thanks! Got a converter and it's working through IO_0 on the board!
Running gcode macros via serial
Hi all,
For context:
- I am using a Mainboard 6HC on RRF 3.5.2.
- I want to send M98 commands to the duet board to run macros via serial input from a PLC
The PLC sends an RS232 or 485 signal through a converter which turns it into a USB signal. I am looking for some guidance on wiring the usb serial to the duet and configuring the board (via M575 it seems). If there is a way to direclty recieve RS232/485 that would be great as well.
I would like to leave the USB-C port free, so as of right now I have connected to pins 9 and 10 on the paneldue header and have sent an M575 P1 B115200 S2 command for configuration. I do not see anything coming in via the DWC console, but if I send the PLC strings through the RS485-USB converter and into my laptop I can read them through YAT.
Any guidance on getting the duet board set up to properly receive serial?
Z axis not retracting as commanded
Hi All, I apologize in advance for the vagueness of this problem, but it only happens once every ~500 times, so I have not been able to properly diagnose it (found out what was happening from camera recording).
I'm using a Mainboard 6HC on RRF 3.4.6. I see just now that 3.5.1 is out, I will have to make some changes before updating.
On my system (not a printer or CNC) I routinely move my Z axis down ~50mm to dispense liquid in a vial, and then back up ~50mm to move the gantry elsewhere. On rare occurrences, my G1 command will not retract the Z axis all the way up (it will move maybe 10mm up, then continue on with the g-code and stay at that height (seeming to think it's all the way up at 50mm). It has happened on 2 different axes (I have 2 independent Z axes) so I don't think it's a hardware issue. I'm running Nema 17s at 1A to drive a ball screw.
My unsuccessful attempts to remedy include:
- Getting rid of the motor idle (idle set to 100% current). My system sometimes sits stationary waiting for a trigger for upwards of 10 mins, I thought that maybe the motors were getting stuck on idle amperage.
- Using the H4 parameter in the G1 command to ensure the axis moves all the way up to my endstop at the top.
If anyone has experienced something similar before or has any thoughts, thanks in advance!
RE: Converting DateTime to string
@dc42 Thanks! Now it turns out my issue is really that I can't include the ":" character in a file name. Is there a way for me to modify the string that I have retrieved from state.time (e.g. 2024-03-12T12:54:43)? Or is there some other way to get the current time without colons?
Thanks again
Converting DateTime to string
Hi Everyone,
I can't seem to find a way to convert a DateTime variable to a string. I am trying to create a file at the start of my gcode that will include the current date and time (using state.time) in its title; however, it seems that the name of a file must be of type string.
Any thoughts? Thanks!
Current Firmware: RepRapFirmware for Duet 3 MB6HC 3.4.6