I have been trying to create an input on io6 using
M950 J1 C"io6 . in" in the config.g file
Then tried to check the status from the console with;
M950 J1
But always get - Pin io6 . in, active, true
I tried changing the state of the input by tying the pin to GND and 3.3V but the message never changes. Also tried to check the status of the input using
M409 K"inputs" but the output is not clear which input I should be looking at on the list.
I also tried writing a simple macro
if sensors.gpIn[6].value != 0
M117 "Output should be on"
M117 "Output should be off"
Not sure is the pin naming in the macro is correct so cannot trust the output of this macro.
In any case there is no change in message from the macro even though there was a change of input.
Any help would be appreciated,
Thanks Mark