@Phaedrux Thanks for that. After search for parts it looks like it's going to be easier for me (I'm In NZ) to source a MOSFET as opposed to an SSR (based on this thread, I assume a MOSFET would work as well?).
Reading the Duet3D wiring and sifting through the forum, this is what I currently understand that I should do:
1/ Connect the ATX PSU +12V to the Duet VIN, and PSU GND to D3D GND
2/ Connect the D3D BED- and D3D BED VIN to the MOSFET control
3/ Connect the MOSFET DC+ to PSU +12V and DC- to PSU GND
4/ Connect the Heatbed +/- to the Mosfet +/-
5/ Connect the D3D EXT_5V +5V to the PSU +5V and the D3D PS_ON to the PSU PS_ON so that the Duet can power up the PSU on demand
I'm not sure I got that 100%, in particular what I should do with the Duet EXT_5V GND. I would really appreciate some feedback on what to do there. Thanks!