I'm completely confused in the corners. You can draw in what position the X (min/max) and Y (min/max) sensors should be triggered and how the X and Y coordinates are located in your configuration after homeall.g

Latest posts made by v_gerzha
RE: Настройка SCARA
RE: Настройка SCARA
David, I'm sorry for perseverance, but there's no one else to turn.
That's what it should be.
Result.What am I doing wrong?
RE: Настройка SCARA
Maybe it makes sense to try the firmware version 1.19 on which you set up your SCARA...
RE: Настройка SCARA
The Concies are triggered by the X=0 Y=0
G1 S1 X0 Y0 > X=600(MAX) -
RE: Настройка SCARA
DWC shows all the coordinates in mm correctly, but the movement occurs only in degrees, the G90 also works in degrees.
RE: Настройка SCARA
Hello, David! I finally did launch my SCARA. DWC shows all the coordinates in mm correctly, but the movement occurs only in degrees, the G90 also works in degrees. Help me how to transfer commands to the Cartesian coordinate system. I'll be very grateful to you, or I'll soon have "smoke from my ears." Respectfully, Valery.
Duet 0.6 (duet06)
RepRapFirmware for Duet 1.26.1 (2020-02-09b1) -
RE: Настройка SCARA
... typed incorrectly ...
Direct kinematics:
X=Cos(B - A) - Cos(A)
Y= Sin(A) + Sin(B - A)
Inverse kinematics:
Cos (B) = (800-X ^ 2-Y ^ 2) / 800
A = 20 * Tan (X / Y) + (B / 2)