that only works for X and Y, how can i get 3 decimals for z ?

Latest posts made by boelle
3 decimals for Z?
RE: trouble with sensorless homing
this is very odd
i flashed firmware 3.4.6 and dwc 3.4.6 and the www files that match
now it homes perfect
did not touch the config
RE: trouble with sensorless homing
@droftarts said in trouble with sensorless homing:
You’re using the web interface from RRF 1.x/2.x with RRF 3.4.6? I’m amazed that works at all!
will check that
i had trouble updating with the normal procedure, had to use fallback method number 1
but maybe its related -
RE: RRF config tool and motor current
@droftarts ahh....
BIG box with this text:
This version of the Config Tool is still under development. If you encounter problems, please consider using the previous Config Tool instead.
so partly error 40
RE: trouble with sensorless homing
@droftarts it gets to the end but does not stop... hence a lot of "brrrrrr"
will try and experiment a bit
RE: RRF config tool and motor current
i started using it yesterday so it was not in the cache before that
EDIT: i did a ctrl+f to open a search window... no M906
but yeah i can copy it from config tool and insert as cutom command in the config tool and it gets written
odd i know
RE: trouble with sensorless homing
i tried this in homex.g and now the error is gone
; homex.g ; called to home the X axis ; M400 ; Wait for motion to stop G91 ; Use relative moves G1 H2 X0.01 ; Move X a small amount to enable M400 ; Wait for stop G4 P200 ; Delay to allow TMC to detect stopped state M915 P0 S1 H250 R0 ; Configure stall detect M574 X2 S3 ; Configure X endstop M913 X30 ; Lower X power G4 P200 ; Delay to ensure settings are made G1 H1 X-20 F2000 ; back away from endstop M400 M915 P0 S5 H250 R0 ; Configure stall detect G4 P200 G1 H1 X230 F2000 ; Move towards endstop until it stalls M400 ; Wait until all stopped M915 P0 S1 H250 R0 ; Configure stall detect G4 P200 ; Delay to ensure settings are made G1 H1 X-10 F2000 ; back away from endstop M400 M915 P0 S5 H250 R0 ; Configure stall detect G4 P200 G1 H1 X230 F2000 ; Move towards endstop until it stalls M915 P0 S18 H250 R0 ; Configure stall detect to be less sensitive G1 X1 F1000 ; Move away from stop and clear stall M400 ; wait complete G90 ; Absolute positioning M913 X100 ; back to full power ;M915 P0 S20 H200 R1 ; Report any stalls
it sets X to being at ~491 dot something but it does not stop so a lot of "BRRRRRRRRRRR" at the endstop (or where it used to be)
trouble with sensorless homing
I have now gotten so far that i can home the nozzle arround and control fans and heaters
thought the next would be sensorless homing
i have looked at my settings i had on a re-arm+sbc combo as a staring point but no dice
config.g and homex.g attached
it does move towards the end, and then back and then towards the end again, i have tried with as low as 20% motor current.... still no luck
Firmware Name: RepRapFirmware for Duet 2 WiFi/Ethernet
Firmware Electronics: Duet WiFi 1.02 or later
Firmware Version: 3.4.6 (2023-07-21)
WiFi Server Version: 1.27
Web Interface Version: 1.22.6Board: Duet2 wifi
my steppers are all these
i run at 24V
says it does not support stealthchop... hence i have set to spreadcycle
but i swear i read somewhere one was suggested to use stealthchop and it worked, but i trust the table until fold otherwise -
RRF config tool and motor current
i just found out that the config bundle is not correct
in the tool when i look at motor currents it says
; NOTE: This is later generated in the Axes and/or Extruders section
M906 X1400 Y1400 Z1400 E1200 ; set motor driver currentsbut that is nowhere to be found in the generated config.g hence nothing will move
RE: another File 0:/firmware/DuetWiFiServer.bin not found
Fallback procedure #1 worked.... no idea why the normal procedure did not work