@Phaedrux hey again! would you have any suggestions for start and end gcode? this is probably the very last thing i have to do until i can finally print. thanks!

Latest posts made by alxndr
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@mitch would you happen to have an example of start and end gcodes that i could look at? im trying to set mine right now. Thanks!
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@Phaedrux so I did that. But it only probes 3 while saying it can't reach some points.
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@mitch I don't get how we have the same printer and yet we have different values for axis limits.
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@mitch just out of curiosity, how and where in comparison to your nozzle is your bltouch mounted?
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@mitch Thanks for this! i think im pretty much set right now. The only thing im messing with is the bltouch probing points. I'm having a little trouble with that....trying to get 4 points to probe but it keeps telling me it cant reach the points. i basically set start at x10 and end at my limit which is x228.8 but i realize thats for the nozzle...not the bltouch. so im not sure how exactly im supposed to set that.....
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@Phaedrux oh wait...the x cant go ALL the way to the left because of the bltouch!!
now last thing...trying to set 4 probing points....using this: M557 X20:208.8 Y20:203.5 P4
But it only probes 3 points? the results in the console say "probed 12 points" but its actually probed 9...any ideas with that?
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@Phaedrux I cannot jog past that point physically but I'm wondering why that numbet is different from the actual measurement
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@Phaedrux no it's because I'm physically blocked lol 0,0 (bottom left) is basically at a physical limit.
So I'll ask again because I'm a little lost. If my bed physically measures 235x235, why is it that my number is 228.8? Shouldn't it be 235? That's what the bed actually measures if I measure it with a tape. And the nozzle won't physically go beyond the printable area.
RE: Duet 2 Wifi + BLtouch issues on Ender 5 pro
@Phaedrux when I bring it to 0,0 I can no longer move it Left or front. But it should go to 235 becauae that's the length of the actual bed. But it only goes to 228.8.