Hi guys,
I have a Toolchanger printer from E3D with a DUET2 Ethernet card and a Duex5 extension card.
My Reprap firmware version is 3.2.2.
I have configured all the config.g file and the others files to correspond with my configuration based on hemera tools.
Nevertheless, I have an issue with the positioning system.
Indeed, if I take a tool for the first time (after homing) the toolchanger is perfectly positioned in front of the tool.
But when I take off the tool the position of the toolchanger has shifted from several milimeters.
Moreover this problem is worsening when I take an other tool (even when I try to take the same).
I have even noticed that sometimes the toolchanger is so much shifted that it is not able to take the tool. It can be shifted from several centimeters in X as in Y position.
Even worse sometimes when I try to home the axis the X or the Y axis don't indicate the good value and the toolchanger beat on the edges.
To conclude with my observations, in fact if the toolchanger belive that it is in X=10 (for exemple) but not in reality. The positioning is shifting randomly and I don't understand why.
So if you can help me I will thank you. Because for now I am lost.
I send you some of my config files.
tpre0.g tfree0.g homez.g homey.g homex.g homeall.g config.g