I am having very inconsistent readings using the Orion piezo. I have Anet-A8 + E3D V6 + Duet3D Ethernet + Ultrabase Anycubic (printbed). I'm homing/mapping the bed @130°C extruder and 60°C bed. Getting very inconsistent readings (up to +-0.6mm)
Here is config:
M574 Z1 S2 ; Set endstops controlled by probe
M558 P8 I1 H5 R0.5 F360 T6000 A3 S0.1 ; Set Z probe type to effector and the dive height + speeds
G31 P500 X0 Y0 Z-0.1 ; Set Z probe trigger value, offset and trigger height
M557 X100:120 Y100:120 S10 ; Define mesh grid
I have tried speeds from 300 to 500, has no effect on consistency.
Also adjusted the potentiometer to just avoid getting triggered by X carriage movement in Z (Anet-8).
I have also tried to loosen 4 screws on the top, which didn't help.
I have set A3 on purpose because I have noticed inconsistent readings. I given it S0.1, which is very coarse tolerance compared to promised 0.01mm.
When doing G29 over 20mm area I get readings as if my bed is tilted 30° (however most of the times G29 is not even able to finish because of inconsistent readings).
What bases are you using? Has anyone had any luck getting this to work with Cartesian-XZ printers?