It doesn't work.
I think it is linked to the calculation method : we are using directionVector, and it is calculated without using kinematics. So I guess everything after this (DDA.cpp, ~line 300) is miscalculated. Notably afterPrepare.cKc will have the wrong sign when hmz0scK is calculated in DriveMovement.c, ~l542, as you guessed earlier. My problem is that changing my model won't change that.
Besides, I thougth about calucations performed in PrepareDeltaAxis and CalcNextStepTimeDeltaFull, but I do not manage to get the full picture. I can link tower position to motion direction and the percentage of accomplished motion, but that does not adds up with the code nicely. I get things in common, like A, B, aA, bB, but I'm still missing some pieces of the puzzle.
I don't get where the speed/accelerations, that seemed to be calculated in cartesian tool coordinate system are translated into articular one either.
Sorry if my questions seems naive.
All the best,