As for the U axis problem, I can not understand this..
First tpost1.g (U-axis):
G1 U305 Y240 F6000 ; move back
G1 U108 Y240 F6000 ; move to dock
M116 P1 ; wait for tool 1 heaters to reach operating temperature
M83 ; relative extruder movement
G1 F75 ; set feedrate 75mm/min
G1 E10 ; extrude 10mm
G1 F50 ; set feedrate 50mm/min
G1 E5 ; extrude 5mm
G1 F3600 ; set feedrate 3600mm/min
G1 E-1.5 ; retract 1.5mm
G1 U108 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 U108 Y240 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 U108 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movement
Compare to tpost0.g (X-axis):
G1 X-5 Y240 F6000 ; move back
G1 X78 Y240 F6000 ; move to dock
M116 P0 ; wait for tool 0 heaters to reach operating temperature
M83 ; relative extruder movement
G1 F75 ; set feedrate 75mm/min
G1 E10 ; extrude 10mm
G1 F50 ; set feedrate 50mm/min
G1 E5 ; extrude 5mm
G1 F3600 ; set feedrate 3600mm/min
G1 E-1.5 ; retract 1.5mm
G1 X78 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 X78 Y240 F6000 ; wiping movement
G1 X78 Y200 F6000 ; wiping movement
When I select tool1, it heats and primes in U305Y240, even wipe movement is at U305, it starts to print after that. Tool 0 behaves as it should (heats and primes in ooze/wipe area) This happens even when selecting tool on the paneldue so it is not a slicer problem.
This all worked ok with 1.18.. Have not touched tpost, tfree or config.g.. hm..