We are working on a bio-printer, so we only need to heat up the cell solutions to a maximum of 80deg but we also need to be able to cool it (ideally to about 4deg).

Best posts made by blandified
RE: Reverse polarity of heater (peltier heating/cooling)
RE: Tool Change Macro
Just an update, you are legitimately and objectively awesome. We got it to work!
Just to try to help people in the future who have this same problem, in your config file, make sure to set the axis mins and max, otherwise it won't be able to move in the direction where the mins and max aren't defined.
We also set our X axis offset at 50 as a test, but the first print sometimes the X axis won't do the offset, but after redoing the same print file, the X axis offset will work so I think it has to do with the same problem. Will report back with an update
RE: Modify Duet Web Control
Also, to your original question, there is no "recompile". Using the above, just change an html or js file in the editor, save it, refresh the browser.
When all your mods are finished, you may wish to compress and zip up YOUR version and put it on your Duet. You don't have to… it runs fine from a local PC file system. If you wish to put it on a duet, you can:
Follow the build scripts, which only run on Linux (not even a Mac!!). Then upload the resulting zip via DWC's standard upload.
Do the rough equivalent of the build scripts by hand. That is, compress and zip and gzip things. Personally, I'd skip all the minifiy stuff if I was the only person using it. Again, upload via DWC.
Don't even compress or anything, just load your files "as is" to the Duet SD. If you do this, there is one quirk to know about: If Duet sees a given file, say "reprap.htm" and the gzipped version of that same file, say "reprap.htm.gz", it will use the .gz. The easiest way round this is to put the SD card in a PC/Mac and completely clean out the /www directory, then put your files in /www.
Any of these three will work fine. I've done them all and verified that they work.
Dude, I can't believe how helpful this is!! You're amazing!! Thank you so much, this is exactly what I am looking for.
The way our project is set up, we don't have physical access to all our gear (duet, rpi, etc) during the week since it stays in the boss-man's office, so that's why I spend all week asking questions, so when we meet in our weekly meeting we are ready and raring to go lol.
This is such a great few posts, thanks again!