@dc42 Hi again,
I realise that I am asking a lot. and some of the requests might not be possible or even sensible! Also I am very appreciative of any help at all. On the other side I am also very happy to contribute as you might think fit!

Posts made by Boxy
RE: changing the default gcodes directory
RE: changing the default gcodes directory
@dc42 HI Thank you for the useful questions :
I will be more exact!.
What I need it to be able to access VIA a USB cable a front mounted Accessible SD card ( SD 1) ( or better USB memory stick)I need to be able to a) load files b) run files, c) stop the printer, d)Home etc.
Unfortunately for this particular situation I cannot use Ehternet nor Wi-Fi.
It is important that I don't leave files on SD0 card - which should be inaccessible.** Ideally I would also like to be able to run your excellent DWC from the USB cable. **
Yes using SD1:/ for the default .gcode directory would also be great -
I am currently using DUET 2 boards which I think are pretty good.
I have made significant changes to the PANELDUE interface.
I believe that I spoke briefly with you at TCT (5/6 years ago) - as I had the stand behind you. - sorry - I was probably a bit standoffish (no pun intended).
visited Duet and spoke with Sarah a few months ago - would love to chatto you with purpose!Simon
changing the default gcodes directory
Is it possible to set the default "gcodes" directory to be on SD1(the secondary SD card) at SD1:/ - or even SD1:/GCODES/.